Teach me Daddy

Last night after we went to dinner and were heading to the grocery store, my four year old had yet another profound moment. He has such a special and unique bond with his Daddy. It’s one like I have never seen before and it is so special for me to see, because my husband adopted him when he was barely 6 months old. Elijah from the back seat said

“Daddy can you teach me to follow God and the Holy Spirit like you do?”


My husband and I both looked at each other astounded. 4 years old, and because he watched everything his daddy does and says this is what he wanted to learn.

My husband replied, “Yes of course I can buddy.” To which Elijah said, “Good can you teach me when we get home?” ……He literally wanted to learn the minute we got home.


So when we got home we proceeded to sit down and talk to him about how it is not something we can teach overnight. It is something you are taught daily and continue learning about through out life.


This of course got me thinking…


How often do we as believers say out loud “Daddy can you teach me to follow you?”

Maybe not often enough…


Jesus throughout the New Testament is referred to as our teacher, as is the Holy Spirit. God is our father. He gave us the bible, HIS word, to teach us.  It is our guide, our handbook, to living life and how to follow Him. Yet do we get into it enough?


My son watches everything we say and do. He hears us pray as a family, my husband and I pray as a couple, sees us pray over people. He sees us get up early and spend time in the word and having quiet time with the Lord. To him, this is us following God, and he wanted nothing more than to be taught how to do it…


Oh if only we had child like innocence and faith like this…

To run open arms, excitedly, to our Papa God and say “Daddy please teach me to follow you right now!”


I’m not saying we’re the perfect family, parents, or believers by any means…my son knows that. He sees us make mistakes but he also sees and hears us pray and ask forgiveness…


So today, have you stopped and asked God to teach you? It doesn’t mean you have to run and open your bible, or spend hours in prayer. Maybe God just wants you to simply ask and then just spend time in His Presence. You don’t know until you ask. But I know personally I want to wake up every morning and enthusiastically run to my Papa God and ask him to teach me daily!




A father and son’s bond